LMS Catalog Management
Manage learning catalogs and publish multiple content types. Enable learners to find learning resources with ease.

Organize your learning resource catalogs in many ways as per your business needs. Create catalog with search features for eLearning courses, classroom events, videos, document and more.
Catalog Management System Features
Flexible Catalog Management
From the Instancy Learning Content Management System, the published content moves into the catalog for distribution to your learners and user segments.
Flexibility is the key. You may want to organize your learning resources in multiple catalogs and label them as required. For example, you may create a classroom events catalog separate from the eLearning courses or videos.

Categorize Content by Categories
Content items within a catalog may be organized into distinct sets of categories and sub-categories.
Category schemas may be reused across multiple catalogs.
Enable learners to discover content by visually scanning a gallery of categories.
Categorize Content by Groups and Sites
Deliver the right content to the right user segment. Content items within a catalog may be organized by sites and user groups.
Each user group or site may represent an internal department of an external client. You can make the right content accessible to the right user segment.

Categorize Content by Job Roles, Skills, and Industries
Deliver the right content to the right learners based on their job roles and industry verticals.
You may organize your content to be delivered to users based on their job roles or industry interests.
Build your customized database of job roles and skills. Crosslink them with learning resources, so that the right learning can be discovered and accessed by the right people in your organization.
Visual Editor to Define Prerequisites
Administrators can define eLearning or classroom course prerequisite sequences. Each prerequisite may be recommended or required.
Provide notifications, alerts and options to learners during course enrollments about prerequisite requirements.

Migrate To Your New Learning Management System Without Hassles
Our internal team and external learning platform consultants are available to help make the migration process easier.

“I have been building eLearning courses for over 25 years and when I saw Instancy learning platform, I fell in love with the system. The support team has been great to work with”
Tom Dover
Dover Telecommunication